Baltimore City, Maryland

Data for the County Area

Median Income and Income Classes

Median Income

This table shows the median income for each group in 1990, 2000, and 2005-2009 adjusted to 2009 dollar values.

  All groups Non Hispanic White Non Hispanic Black Hispanic Asian
1990 $84,760 $45,336 $24,930 $25,116 $22,668
2000 $30,872 $38,969 $26,518 $31,366 $24,088
2005-09 ACS $39,686 $55,803 $32,480 $39,848 $45,177

Income Classes

This table shows the number of households and income class distributions for each group. Our income class categories are defined as "poor" (income below 175% of the poverty line for a family of four, "affluent" (income more than 350% of the poverty line,), and "middle income" (those falling in between). For “poor” we used values of under $22,500 in 1990, $30,000 in 2000, and $40,000 in 2005-2009. For “affluent” we used values of over $45,000 in 1990, $60,000 in 2000, and $75,000 in 2005-2009.

The first section of the table (Total Households) shows the overall household distribution by group. Subsequent cells in each column provide both the count and percent for the number of households within each income class.

  All groups Non Hispanic White Non Hispanic Black Hispanic Asian
1990 2,066,227 952,729 1,065,954 18,139 23,353
% 46.1 51.6 0.9 1.1
2000 1,935,380 729,674 1,115,371 27,814 34,098
% 37.7 57.6 1.4 1.8
2005-09 ACS 1,789,047 656,045 1,037,659 31,997 38,560
% 36.7 58.0 1.8 2.2
1990 962,117 369,195 569,935 8,328 11,314
% 46.6 38.8 53.5 45.9 48.4
2000 942,346 282,557 612,279 13,139 19,299
% 48.7 38.7 54.9 47.2 56.6
2005-09 ACS 899,807 240,324 614,007 16,050 16,516
% 50.3 36.6 59.2 50.2 42.8
1990 648,191 314,891 319,141 5,662 6,910
% 31.4 33.1 29.9 31.2 29.6
2000 575,512 225,448 326,230 8,876 7,884
% 29.7 30.9 29.2 31.9 23.1
2005-09 ACS 469,731 179,330 262,650 8,407 12,599
% 26.3 27.3 25.3 26.3 32.7
1990 455,919 268,643 176,878 4,149 5,129
% 22.1 28.2 16.6 22.9 22.0
2000 417,522 221,669 176,862 5,799 6,915
% 21.6 30.4 15.9 20.8 20.3
2005-09 ACS 419,509 236,391 161,002 7,540 9,445
% 23.4 36.0 15.5 23.6 24.5

©Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences, Brown University